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dc.contributor.authorChipantiza Guamán, Alexander Adán-
dc.identifier.citationChipantiza Guamán, A. D. (2023). Análisis del uso progresivo de la fuerza en el Ecuador del año 2022. (Estudio de caso). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl objetivo de esta investigación es realizar un análisis tanto conceptual como jurídico sobre el uso progresivo de la fuerza policial, incluyendo sus características, niveles y principios, en el contexto del papel del Estado para salvaguardar la seguridad ciudadana y el orden público. Se explica cómo la Policía Nacional, mediante el uso legítimo de la fuerza, contribuye a que los ciudadanos puedan ejercer plenamente sus derechos.es
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this research is to carry out a conceptual and legal analysis of the progressive use of police force, including its characteristics, levels and principles, in the context of the role of the State to safeguard citizen security and public order. It explains how the National Police, through the legitimate use of force, helps citizens to fully exercise their rights. In the first place, a detailed study is carried out on the duty of the State to provide citizen security and public order, and the crucial role played by police officers in fulfilling this state duty is highlighted, which is one of the most important rights. relevant to citizens. Secondly, a legal and doctrinal analysis of the use of police force is carried out, addressing aspects such as the principles that govern it, the different levels of force, resistance and other characteristics inherent to this topic. Likewise, mention is made of legitimate defense and the difference between this legal figure and the use of police force is established and as a result of the investigation, some fundamental variables were identified and created, including the methodology that was used; documentary, bibliographic, hermeneutic, hypothetical and deductive method allowing the collection of relevant information, based on books, scientific articles, theses, statistics, legislation and studies on the subject, which clearly and adequately support the investigation of the use of force by the police authorities in the country.es
dc.titleAnálisis del uso progresivo de la fuerza en el Ecuador del año 2022.es
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