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dc.contributor.authorAguilar Cevallos, Katherin Gabriela-
dc.contributor.authorCamacho Arauz, Karla Dayana-
dc.identifier.citationAguilar Cevallos, K. G. y Camacho Arauz, K. D. (2024). Planificación financiera para la toma de decisiones de la empresa “Motorepuestos El Carmen”. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa planificación financiera, inicialmente poco conocida, ha evolucionado significativamente, convirtiéndose en una disciplina esencial para la estabilidad y el desarrollo sostenible de negocios de todos los tamaños. Es crucial para el éxito de las empresas, ayudándolas a alcanzar sus objetivos y a gestionar riesgos efectivamente.es
dc.description.abstractFinancial planning, initially little known, has evolved significantly, becoming an essential discipline for the stability and sustainable development of businesses of all sizes. It is crucial for the success of companies, helping them achieve their objectives and manage risks effectively. Some companies still use manual accounting systems, which makes it difficult to make effective decisions and establish clear financial controls. Motorepuestos El Carmen, dedicated to the sale of motorcycle spare parts and maintenance services, faces this challenge, seeking to design effective financial planning to improve resource management and decision making. This study focuses on understanding and improving the financial management processes of Motorepuestos El Carmen, with the aim of optimizing resources, improving operational efficiency and ensuring sustainable growth. Deductive and observational methods will be used to analyze how designing financial planning can increase the profitability and stability of the company. Designing a financial planning guide for decision making is essential for Motorepuestos El Carmen. This guide will help the company establish a clear framework for strategic, tactical and operational decision-making, thereby improving its ability to adapt to market changes and proactively meet future challenges. By providing methods and tools for effective financial management, this guide will not only improve the company's current financial situation, but will also ensure its long-term competitiveness and sustainability.es
dc.titlePlanificación financiera para la toma de decisiones de la empresa “Motorepuestos El Carmen”.es
Aparece en las colecciones: CONTABILIDAD Y AUDITORÍA

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