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dc.contributor.authorCornejo Vélez, Martha Lahis-
dc.identifier.citationCornejo Vélez, M. L. (2024). Plan Estratégico para recuperación de cartera vencida de la empresa de telecomunicaciones “Loorsaf.net”, en el Cantón El Carmen, periodo 2023. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEn un entorno económico competitivo y en constante evolución, la gestión eficiente de los recursos financieros es fundamental para la estabilidad y el crecimiento de las empresas. La empresa de telecomunicaciones Loorsaf.net, ubicada en el Cantón El Carmen, enfrenta un desafío significativo con el aumento de su cartera vencida, lo que está afectando su liquidez y su capacidad para invertir en nuevas oportunidades.es
dc.description.abstractIn a competitive and constantly evolving economic environment, the efficient management of Financial resources are essential for the stability and growth of companies. The telecommunications company Loorsaf.net, located in the Canton of El Carmen, faces a significant challenge with the increase in its overdue portfolio, which is affecting its liquidity and your ability to invest in new opportunities. This thesis focuses on developing a plan strategic for the recovery of Loorsaf.net's overdue portfolio. The study begins with a detailed analysis of the current situation of the company, reviewing the management processes of collections, the profile of delinquent clients and service acquisition policies implemented. Best practices in the telecommunications industry are investigated and adapt to the specific context of the company in El Carmen. The main objective of the plan is improve efficiency in debt recovery, strengthen customer relationships and optimize financial resources. Practical strategies adjusted to reality are proposed. local to address the problem of late payments and ensure a more stable and predictable. Success in the implementation of this plan will allow Loorsaf.net to not only recover address outstanding bills more effectively, but also improve your financial stability and continue offering quality services. Ultimately, the thesis offers a clear path to face the challenges related to the overdue portfolio and strengthen the position of the company in the market.es
dc.titlePlan Estratégico para recuperación de cartera vencida de la empresa de telecomunicaciones “Loorsaf.net”, en el Cantón El Carmen, periodo 2023.es
Aparece en las colecciones: CONTABILIDAD Y AUDITORÍA

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