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dc.contributor.authorHerrera Acosta, Nieve Lisbeth-
dc.identifier.citationHerrera Acosta, N. L. (2024). Elaboración de presupuestos para la toma de decisiones en la Coop. Transporte Interprovincial Flota Manabita. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa presente investigación tiene como objetivo demostrar la importancia de los presupuestos en la toma de decisiones en una cooperativa. A través de la implementación de diversas técnicas de gestión presupuestaria, se busca identificar y analizar las deficiencias actuales para proponer soluciones efectivas.es
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this research is to demonstrate the importance of budgets in decision making in a cooperative. Through the implementation of various budget management techniques, seeking to identify and analyze deficiencies current to propose effective solutions. This approach will allow not only to improve control financial and expense forecasting, but also optimize available resources, facilitating more informed and strategic decision making. The study will use quantitative methods and qualitative, including interviews and questionnaires with those responsible for finance and others key members of the cooperative, to obtain relevant data and valuable perspectives. The The results obtained will be used to develop practical recommendations adapted to the specific needs of the cooperative, promoting its financial stability and capacity long-term growth. In summary, this research highlights the crucial role of budgets in decision making, highlighting how proper planning can strengthen the liquidity and, ultimately, the sustainability of the cooperative.es
dc.titleElaboración de presupuestos para la toma de decisiones en la Coop. Transporte Interprovincial Flota Manabita.es
Aparece en las colecciones: CONTABILIDAD Y AUDITORÍA

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