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dc.contributor.authorPárraga Espinoza, Pamela Stefania-
dc.identifier.citationPárraga Espinoza, P. S. (2024). Abordaje del nivel fonético – fonológico en niños con trastorno espectro autista. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl presente estudio se centró en el abordaje del nivel fonético-fonológico en niños con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA), estableciendo como objetivo general analizar cómo este abordaje influye en la producción y percepción de los sonidos del habla en estos niños. Donde se conoce que los problemas fonéticos y fonológicos en niños con TEA se deben a la interacción de múltiples factores, incluyendo dificultades en la comunicación social, diferencias neurobiológicas y problemas sensoriales, mismas que pueden afectar significativamente la capacidad de los niños para desarrollar un repertorio completo de sonidos del habla y establecer conexiones fonológicas adecuadas.es
dc.description.abstractThe present study focused on the approach to the phonetic-phonological level in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), establishing as a general objective to analyze how this approach influences the production and perception of speech sounds in these children. Where it is known that phonetic and phonological problems in children with ASD are due to the interaction of multiple factors, including difficulties in social communication, neurobiological differences and sensory problems, which can significantly affect the ability of children to develop a complete repertoire of speech sounds and establish adequate phonological connections. The methodology used in this research is systematic, bibliographic and qualitative, where an exhaustive analysis of the scientific literature published between 2019 and 2024 was carried out, using high-impact sources such as articles and journals that will allow collecting and synthesizing relevant information. Results are expected to identify best practices and therapeutic approaches that have been shown to be effective in improving speech sound production and perception in children with ASD, as these findings provided a solid basis for the development of more personalized and effective interventions, benefiting both health and education professionals and families of children with ASD. In conclusion, this study sought to contribute to theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of phonetic-phonological intervention in children with ASD, offering evidence-based guidance to improve children's communication and quality of life.es
dc.titleAbordaje del nivel fonético – fonológico en niños con trastorno espectro autista.es
Aparece en las colecciones: FONOAUDIOLOGÍA

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