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dc.contributor.authorAnchundia Acebo, Lorely Dilaila-
dc.identifier.citationAnchundia Acebo, L. D. (2024). Plan operacional para la captación de clientes en la escuela Celestin Freinet de Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl Plan Operacional para la Captación de Clientes en la Escuela Celestín Freinet de Manta, ubicada en la parroquia Los Esteros de la ciudad de Manta, tiene como propósito consolidar a la institución como líder en educación innovadora en la región. A través de estrategias orientadas, busca incrementar la matrícula en un 30% durante el primer año y garantizar un crecimiento sostenible a largo plazo.es
dc.description.abstractThe Operational Plan for Customer Acquisition at the Celestin Freinet School in Manta, located in the Los Esteros parish of the city of Manta, aims to consolidate the institution as a leader in innovative education in the region. Through targeted strategies, it seeks to increase enrollment by 30% during the first year and ensure long-term sustainable growth. The project is structured in four chapters: the first defines the value proposition based on the Freinet methodology, which encourages active and personalized learning, and analyzes the internal and external environment through tools such as SWOT and PESTEL, identifying key opportunities in the local education market. The second chapter addresses digital marketing strategies, community events, and strategic alliances with suppliers and technology entities to attract students and strengthen relationships with families. The third chapter details the necessary human, technological, and financial resources, as well as the key operational activities for efficient execution, optimizing costs and guaranteeing results. The fourth chapter presents a solid financial model, with projections that reach break-even point in the second year and ensure increasing utility, supported by risk analysis and financial scenarios. In conclusion, the plan demonstrates that, by combining a differentiated pedagogical approach, innovative strategies and efficient financial management, the school is positioned to become a benchmark educational institution in Manta, offering unique value to families and strengthening its long-term sustainability.es
dc.titlePlan operacional para la captación de clientes en la escuela Celestin Freinet de Manta.es
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