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dc.contributor.authorCedeño Cusme, Josselyn Yolanda-
dc.identifier.citationCedeño Cusme, J. Y. (2024). El CRM y su influencia en la fidelización del cliente en la empresa KAIROSIG, Manta 2024. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl presente trabajo de titulación analizó la influencia del Customer Relationship Management (CRM) en la fidelización de clientes de la empresa Kairosig, en la provincia de Manta, Ecuador. La investigación, con un enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental y corte transversal, se llevó a cabo mediante encuestas aplicadas a una muestra de 100 clientes, evaluando cómo las estrategias analíticas, operativas y colaborativas del CRM afectan la satisfacción y lealtad de los usuarios.es
dc.description.abstractThis thesis analyzed the influence of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) on customer loyalty at Kairosig, in the province of Manta, Ecuador. The research, with a quantitative approach, non-experimental design and cross-section, was carried out through surveys applied to a sample of 100 clients, evaluating how analytical, operational and collaborative CRM strategies affect user satisfaction and loyalty. The results showed a significant positive correlation between CRM management and loyalty, highlighting factors such as service personalization, efficient communication and multi-channel accessibility. These practices not only improve the customer experience, but also optimize operational efficiency and strengthen the company's competitiveness in a dynamic market. In response to these findings, the implementation of Zoho CRM is proposed, a comprehensive system that centralizes information, automates processes and personalizes service, ensuring greater loyalty and business profitability. This tool represents a strategic solution to transform customer relationship management and align internal processes with current market demands, thus consolidating Kairosig's position as a competitive and customer-oriented company.es
dc.subjectZOHO CRMes
dc.titleEl CRM y su influencia en la fidelización del cliente en la empresa KAIROSIG, Manta 2024.es
Aparece en las colecciones: ADMINISTRACIÓN DE EMPRESAS

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