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dc.contributor.authorEspinoza Pico, Lady Lisbeth-
dc.identifier.citationEspinoza Pico, L. L. (2024). Calidad del servicio y satisfacción del cliente de la empresa CESMARED CÍA. Ltda, Manta. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa calidad del servicio y la satisfacción del cliente son la clave para construir confianza y asegurar el éxito empresarial. En el presente proyecto se describen y analizan los resultados del estudio sobre la calidad del servicio y su influencia en la satisfacción del cliente en Cesmared Cía. Ltda, una empresa dedicada a la reparación de redes de barcos en Manta.es
dc.description.abstractService quality and customer satisfaction are the key to building trust and ensuring business success. This project describes and analyzes the results of the study on service quality and its influence on customer satisfaction in Cesmared Cía. Ltda, a company dedicated to the repair of ship nets in Manta. The main objective was to identify and analyze the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction. The study was quantitative, descriptive and correlational in approach. In addition, the survey based on the servqual model questionnaire was used as the main technique, which consisted of 22 items and a Likert scale was used. This survey was applied to 19 clients of the company; however, 43 responses were obtained because they were the ships to which the net repair service was provided. The data collected were statistically analyzed in the spss program, which allowed us to recognize that the dimensions of reliability and empathy have a significant impact on customer satisfaction. Likewise, it was highlighted that responsiveness and security in service contribute significantly to the positive perception of users. In addition, a positive and high relationship was found between service quality and customer satisfaction, which highlights the importance of implementing strategies such as staff training, periodic evaluations and effective communication to continuously improve the customer experience and ensure excellent service.es
dc.titleCalidad del servicio y satisfacción del cliente de la empresa CESMARED CÍA. Ltda, Manta.es
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