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dc.contributor.authorEstrada Bravo, Bryan Anthony-
dc.identifier.citationEstrada Bravo, B. A. (2024). Gestión del talento humano y su relación con la cultura organizacional en las empresas de videojuegos. (Artículo académico). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa presente investigación se plantea debido a la creciente relevancia de la gestión del talento humano y su relación con la cultura organizacional en el sector de las empresas de videojuegos. Esta problemática adquiere importancia en un entorno donde la innovación constante y la retención de talento son claves para el éxito de esta industria.es
dc.description.abstractThis research is proposed due to the growing relevance of human talent management and its relationship with organizational culture in the video game industry. This issue becomes important in an environment where constant innovation and talent retention are key to the success of this industry. The general objective is to analyze human talent management and its relationship with organizational culture in video game companies. Under a methodology with a quantitative approach, a Likert scale questionnaire was used as a tool, which consists of 10 items, measuring 3 dimensions. Among the findings. Among the findings, favorable responses were obtained through the surveys diagnosing a good behavior in terms of organizational culture; however, it is important to further strengthen knowledge and in turn strengthen the relationship between good human talent management and its impact on organizational culture. It is concluded that there is a better performance of the companies when they manage to implement a good management and potentiation of human talent and how it influences in strengthening the values, norms, rules and procedures generating a solid corporate culture and adaptable to constant innovation allowing these video game companies to remain in the current market through the production of new projects.es
dc.titleGestión del talento humano y su relación con la cultura organizacional en las empresas de videojuegos.es
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