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dc.contributor.authorIntriago Loor, Nathaly Priscila-
dc.identifier.citationIntriago Loor, N. P. (2024). Neuromarketing y su influencia en el comportamiento de compra de cosméticos en "Importaciones Selectas" 2024. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEn efecto, el presente proyecto tuvo por objetivo analizar la influencia del Neuromarketing y el comportamiento de compra de cosméticos en Importaciones Selectas, 2024, por lo cual, se aplicó el enfoque cuantitativo, alcance descriptivo correlacional y un diseño no experimental transversal, que con la ayuda del instrumento de recolección de datos se obtuvo 383 encuestas que fueron realizadas por mujeres de la zona urbana de Manta, priorizando que todas hayan tenido la experiencia de conocer la empresa previamente.es
dc.description.abstractIn fact, the present project aimed to analyze the influence of Neuromarketing and the purchasing behavior of cosmetics in Importaciones Selectas, 2024, so the quantitative approach, correlational descriptive scope and a transversal non-experimental design were applied, which with the help of the data collection instrument obtained 383 surveys that were carried out by women from the urban area of Manta, prioritizing that all have had the experience of knowing the company previously. Therefore, through the results of this research, the existence of a high positive correlation was demonstrated, that is, the alternative hypothesis was accepted that indicates that Neuromarketing influences the purchasing behavior of cosmetics in Importaciones Selectas. In conclusion, it is important to emphasize that the results obtained made it possible to identify that the senses, such as: smell and touch have a greater influence on women in terms of the decision to buy cosmetics, while, although sight is a modifying factor of shopping behavior, it is necessary to reinforce this stimulus, for this reason, the proposal was raised to incorporate attractive visual elements that improve the display of cosmetic products and enrich the shopping experience.es
dc.titleNeuromarketing y su influencia en el comportamiento de compra de cosméticos en "Importaciones Selectas" 2024.es
Aparece en las colecciones: ADMINISTRACIÓN DE EMPRESAS

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