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dc.contributor.authorReyes Zambrano, Esther Emilia-
dc.identifier.citationReyes Zambrano, E. E. (2024). Estrategias de marketing digital para impulsar el posicionamiento de la empresa Garner Espinosa C.A. en la ciudad de Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionPara abordar este propósito, se adoptará una metodología cuantitativa basada en encuestas, utilizando cuestionarios estructurados dirigidos a propietarios de talleres y vehículos que empleen sistemas de inyección diésel. A través de estas encuestas, se recopilará información clave sobre las estrategias de marketing digital que las empresas implementan actualmente o podrían aplicar en el futuro, y cómo estas afectan su posicionamiento en el mercado.es
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of this research project is to examine the impact of digital marketing on the positioning of the company Garner Espinosa C.A. in the city of Manta. The problem to be solved lies in determining how digital marketing contributes to strengthening this strategy and maximizing its presence in the market. To address this purpose, a quantitative methodology based on surveys will be adopted, using structured questionnaires aimed at owners of workshops and vehicles using diesel injection systems. Through these surveys, key information will be collected on the digital marketing strategies that companies currently implement or could apply in the future, and how these affect their positioning in the market. Data analysis will allow to identify trends and patterns in the relationship between digital marketing and business positioning. In addition, statistical and comparative analyses will be carried out to evaluate the specific influence of digital marketing on the performance of Garner Espinosa C.A. in the local market. Based on the results obtained, it will be determined if digital marketing represents an effective strategy to improve the positioning of the company in the city of Manta. These results will be very useful for other companies interested in optimizing the quality of their services through the adoption of digital marketing strategies, by providing a clear perspective on their advantages and challenge.es
dc.titleEstrategias de marketing digital para impulsar el posicionamiento de la empresa Garner Espinosa C.A. en la ciudad de Manta.es
Aparece en las colecciones: ADMINISTRACIÓN DE EMPRESAS

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