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dc.contributor.authorVera Guevara, Shirley Nahomy-
dc.identifier.citationVera Guevara, S. N. (2024). Evaluación de riesgos y estrés laboral en agentes de seguridad de la ciudad de Manta 2024. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa evaluación de riesgos es un factor primordial para el desempeño laboral de los agentes de seguridad, una gran relevancia ya que influye en su entorno de trabajo. El objetivo de esta investigación, cuantitativa, era evaluar el estrés laboral en 286 agentes de seguridad de empresas públicas y privadas en Manta del año 2024. A través de una encuesta, se identificaron como principales factores estresores la carga de trabajo excesiva, la falta de reconocimiento, la inseguridad laboral y la exposición a situaciones de riesgo.es
dc.description.abstractRisk assessment is a Paramount factor for the job performance of security agents, holding great relevance as it influences their work environment. This quantitative research aimed to evaluate the levels of job stress and its determinants in a group of 286 security agents from public and private companies in the city of Manta in 2024. Through a survey, excessive workload, lack of recognition, job insecurity, and exposure to risk situations were identified as the main stressors. The results obtained provide the necessary information to identify the main factors contributing to these adverse conditions and evaluate their impact on the physical and mental health of the agents, as well as on their job performance. The results obtained coincide with previous research that has pointed out the high prevalence of occupational risks and stress in the security sector. Exposure to violent situations, job uncertainty, and precarious working conditions are factors that contribute significantly to the deterioration of the mental and physical health of security agents. Therefore, a proposal is presented as Training and Support Programs for Security Agents from different public and private companies to help all stakeholders involved: the agents, security companies, society, and particularly the city of Manta. By improving working conditions and strengthening the skills of agents, a safer and healthier environment is created for everyone.es
dc.subjectESTRÉS LABORALes
dc.titleEvaluación de riesgos y estrés laboral en agentes de seguridad de la ciudad de Manta 2024.es
Aparece en las colecciones: ADMINISTRACIÓN DE EMPRESAS

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