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dc.contributor.authorVera Moreira, Yilesa Yamileth-
dc.identifier.citationVera Moreira, Y. Y. (2024). El marketing digital y el emprendimiento de estudiantes de las IES públicas de Manabí. (Tesina). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionTeniendo en cuenta que el marketing digital no solo expande la cobertura de las organizaciones, sino que también simplifica la recopilación y estudio de datos en tiempo real, facilitando la adaptación de las estrategias de marketing de forma rápida y eficaz para atender las exigencias del mercado y optimizar la experiencia del consumidor.es
dc.description.abstractConsidering that digital marketing not only expands the coverage of organizations but also simplifies the collection and study of real-time data, facilitating the rapid and effective adaptation of marketing strategies to meet market demands and optimize the consumer experience. Therefore, the objective of this article is to analyze digital marketing as a tool for student entrepreneurs, identifying opportunities and challenges they face to enhance their business initiatives, answering the research question, how does digital marketing influence the development of entrepreneurial skills and the creation of businesses among students of public higher education institutions in Manabí? To this end, a review of the study variables is conducted, employing a descriptive methodological design and a mixed approach that combines both qualitative and quantitative techniques. In which, a thorough review of the scientific literature and previous studies on digital marketing and student entrepreneurship was conducted, complemented by a structured survey applied to a representative sample of 382 students, which highlighted that digital marketing is fundamental for students to effectively promote their business initiatives, reach a wider audience, and create business opportunities. However, the need to overcome challenges such as the lack of technological resources and specialized knowledge is emphasized, proposing institutional support from public higher education institutions and strategic implementation as key to entrepreneurial success and economic development in Manabí.es
dc.titleEl marketing digital y el emprendimiento de estudiantes de las IES públicas de Manabí.es
Aparece en las colecciones: ADMINISTRACIÓN DE EMPRESAS

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