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Título : Estrategia De Fidelización y Captación De Nuevos Clientes en la Joyería Zamver Del Cantón Manta.
Autor : Vergara Vergara, Briggith Lisseth
Palabras clave : FIDELIZACIÓN
Fecha de publicación : 2024
Citación : Vergara Vergara, B. L. (2024). Estrategia De Fidelización y Captación De Nuevos Clientes en la Joyería Zamver Del Cantón Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ADM;0439
Resumen : Customer loyalty is an extremely important factor for the continuous improvement of an organization, it brings with it competitive advantages constantly, becoming one of the most truthful and responsible complements for companies not only focused on the internal part but also on the external, which has led to an increasingly thorough capture of customers, according to their needs and preferences. For the reasons stated above, the present research was carried out with the theme "Strategies for loyalty and acquisition of new customers in the Zamver jewelry store in the Manta canton", which aims to determine the relationship between customer loyalty and acquisition in the ZAMVER Jewelry store in the Manta canton, covering as a methodology a quantitative approach, with a correlational scope and non-experimental design. Additionally, the study population was immersed in the total number of customers who have purchased a jewel during, being a total of 400 customers, with a probabilistic sample of 196 consumers. Once the survey and its respective analyses were completed, the main results were the existence of a direct correlation between the study variables, thus promoting the proposal of creating a comprehensive hand-held chart to retain and attract new customers in the Zamver jewelry store, with the purpose of building truthful and associated studies for the correct functioning of the company or organization in terms of the essential part that are the customers.
Descripción : La fidelización del cliente es un factor sumamente importante para la mejora continua de una organización, trae consigo ventajas competitivas de manera constante, volviéndose en uno de los complementos de mayor veracidad y responsabilidad para las empresas no solo centrado en la parte interna sino también en la externa, lo que ha conllevado que, cada vez más se capte de manera minuciosa a los clientes, acorde a sus necesidades y preferencias.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/6636
Aparece en las colecciones: ADMINISTRACIÓN DE EMPRESAS

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