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Título : “Análisis de los factores comerciales que han incidido en el desarrollo de la ciudadela El Palmar de Manta”
Autor : Bazurto Vera, Sarelith Elizabeth
Palabras clave : ECONOMÍA
Fecha de publicación : 2022
Citación : Bazurto Vera, S. E. (2022). “Análisis de los factores comerciales que han incidido en el desarrollo de la ciudadela El Palmar de Manta”. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ADM;0119
Resumen : The present work was carried out under the modality of a research project, its objective was to analyze the commercial factors that influence the development of El Palmar de Manta, in order to determine the commercial factors that have influence in the progress of this citadel. Chapter I formulated the theoretical design of the research that contains the problem, specific problems, research objectives, general and specific hypothesis, it also specified the variables of the inquiry to continue with the operationalization of the variables that will serve to design the data collection instrument, in the methodological design the types of research that were used such as descriptive, exploratory, bibliographic and field were stated, also the population that served to obtain the sample was determined. At the same time, chapter II showed the background of previous research that covered the factors that have an impact on the development of certain or places, then research was conducted on issues related to commercial factors, global business competitiveness and its components, economic factors and also on the marketing mix and its impact on development as well as its importance. Likewise, in chapter III, the analysis and interpretation of the results of the application of the survey to inhabitants of El Palmar de Manta was carried out. Likewise, the proposal was formulated and the appropriate conclusions and recommendations were issued.
Descripción : La presente investigación analiza la incidencia de los factores de competitividad empresarial en la ciudadela El Palmar, así como los factores del Marketing Mix en la ciudadela El Palmar. Propone un conjunto de acciones que mejoren la competitividad empresarial, económicas y de marketing.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/4436
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