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Título : Diagnóstico del clima laboral de la Empresa Terminal Portuario de Manta.
Autor : Delgado Anchundia, Katherine Nicole
Fecha de publicación : 2023
Citación : Delgado Anchundia, K. N. (2023). Diagnóstico del clima laboral de la Empresa Terminal Portuario de Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Resumen : The present investigation was developed in the company Terminal Portuario de Manta located in the central sector of the canton belonging to the province of Manabí; whose objective was to diagnose the work environment that allows developing strategies aimed at improving the attitudes and behaviors of its employees; This research is of an explanatory type, whose design is non- experimental; of a qualitative-quantitative type whose technique used for data collection was the survey through the questionnaire, based on questions related to the 8 dimensions of the variable studied, which was the work environment according to the authors koys & decottis, these are autonomy, cohesion, trust , pressure, support, recognition, equity and innovation and whose scale was Likert type. For the preparation of this investigation, 108 employees of the Terminal Portuario de Manta company collaborated. In general, the diagnosis revealed that the factor with the highest percentage of satisfaction is trust, classifying it in an average state, reflecting that employees take risks, think creatively, help each other and communicate openly and honestly, and the factors with the greatest dissatisfaction are fairness and pressure, which shows that the work environment in the Terminal Portuario de Manta company is at a medium level, from For this, an improvement proposal was made for each of the aforementioned dimensions.medium level, from For this, an improvement proposal was made for each of the aforementioned dimensions.
Descripción : Esta investigación tiene como objetivo general diagnosticar el clima laboral de la Empresa Terminal Portuario de Manta que permita desarrollar estrategias de mejoramiento orientadas al cambio de actitudes y conductas de sus empleados.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/4446
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