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dc.contributor.authorRiofrio Intriago, Cristhian Andrés-
dc.identifier.citationRiofrio Intriago, C. A. (2022). Implementación e-commerce de una tienda virtual para la venta de neumáticos en la ciudad de Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEste proyecto se basa en la implementación de una tienda virtual enfocada en la venta de neumáticos, la cual estará ubicada en la ciudad de Manta, buscando ser un proyecto viable y rentable. La capacidad de este proyecto de emprendimiento está dada en torno a las preferencias de los consumidores, teniendo en cuenta de resultados positivos esperados como la mayor proporción de personas interesadas en la compra de neumáticos de manera online, buscando aumentar y mejorar la economía de la ciudad, utilizando el método de encuestas.es
dc.description.abstractThis project is based on the implementation of a virtual store focused on the sale of tires, which will be located in the city of Manta, seeking to be a viable and profitable project. The capacity of this entrepreneurship project is given around consumer preferences, taking into account the expected positive results such as the largest proportion of people interested in buying tires online, seeking to increase and improve the city's economy. Implementing an online store is a convenient means because the greatest amount of demand achieved is increased, consisting of an initial work team of five people such as the manager, an accountant, a consultant, sales assistant and the winery, within my potential clients we have people over 18 years of age with the possession of a vehicle, tires being an important part within the automotive for benefits such as safety. It is expected that within the first year of operations there will be expected sales of two hundred and fifty-seven thousand dollars, having a profitability of four percent and the total reinvestment of capital until at least the fifth year of operations, to start this entrepreneurship project It will need sixty-five thousand eight hundred dollars, divided into fifty-four percent of its own capital and forty-six percent of bank financing, prioritizing innovation within business processes.es
dc.titleImplementación e-commerce de una tienda virtual para la venta de neumáticos en la ciudad de Manta.es
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