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dc.contributor.authorMuñoz Meza, Jahaira Jamileth-
dc.contributor.authorZambrano Muñoz, Julexy Lissette-
dc.identifier.citationMuñoz Meza, J. J y Zambrano Muñoz, J. L. (2023). Emprendimientos y el desarrollo sostenible del Cantón Chone, año 2022. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionCon la finalidad de resolver esta problemática se planteo como objetivo “determinar la importancia de los emprendimientos para el desarrollo sostenible del cantón Chone” siendo importante conocer cada uno de los emprendimientos que nacen gracias a las mentes innovadoras de algunos habitantes, puesto que la falta de empleo en instituciones publicas o privadas, cada día está más presente, a través de la creación de emprendimientos se plantea contrastar el desarrollo sostenible, conservando el medio ambiente a través de practicas sanas en la elaboración de sus productos.es
dc.description.abstractIn order to provide an extract of the present investigation, it is expressed that the main causes of the problem related to the investigation present are: little participation of public institutions to provide relevant information on how to undertake through campaigns; deficiency with the use of the creation of enterprises to promote the economic, social and environmental development of the Chone canton; lack of economic, business and micro-business knowledge that are the basis for to float a business and the lack of financing that exists within the canton so that the enterprises have sustainability and profitability. In order to solve this problem, the objective was “determine the importance of entrepreneurship for sustainable development of the Chone canton" being important to know each of the ventures that are born thanks to the innovative minds of some inhabitants, since the lack of employment in public or private institutions, every day is more present, through the creation of enterprises, it is proposed to contrast the sustainable development, conserving the environment through practices healthy in the elaboration of their products. The methodology proposed in the present investigation is of a mixed type, since we derive from quantitative actions thanks to the information collected by surveys, and qualitative thanks to direct observation carried out at the points commercials of Canton Chone, plus the interview application. Methods that will be applied are: descriptive, analytical, deductive, historical and bibliographical, the The population to be investigated falls on 7,741 people dedicated to the commercial area, of which obtains a sample of 135.89 microenterprises of the population.es
dc.titleEmprendimientos y el desarrollo sostenible del Cantón Chone, año 2022.es
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