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dc.contributor.authorTorres Pinargote, María Monserrate-
dc.identifier.citationTorres Pinargote, M. M. (2023). Implementación de guía de ataques informáticos y medidas de seguridad como solución preventiva a WhatsApp en la entidad “Asesorarte” El Carmen – Manabí. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionDurante la investigación se utilizó la metodología inductiva y deductiva conocer la información específica, partió desde lo general hasta llegar a una sola conclusión a fin de que se pudo hacer la orientación en el proceso investigativo en un correcto desarrollo de la investigación y así obtener un criterio acertado. Se analizó la información que proporcionó la empresa, en una o varias partes de forma individual, con el fin de haber observado las causas y efectos que se produjeron y así poder elegir las mejores alternativas para resolver dicho problema.es
dc.description.abstractThe titling project focuses on the implementation of a guide to computer attacks and security measures as a preventive solution to WhatsApp in the "ASESORARTE" entity. It turns out that it has been attacked by cyber criminals, and the attack has been carried out with various viruses, which have existed throughout the advancement of technology. Unfortunately, thanks to the fact that WhatsApp is the most used social network worldwide, it is exposed to being attacked, that is where the problem really lies. Already with various types of viruses today very easy to use and handle for cybercriminals. To find a solution to this problem, an interview with the manager and owner of the premises was carried out in the company "ASESORARTE", in which the manager informed us about his information about said problem, and a survey was carried out with the clients. of the company where they knew how to express their knowledge about the attacks on WhatsApp. For all the problems that computer attacks have caused, this guide has been created. To protect them from attacks, we must know the definition of what computer attacks are, what viruses are, how we can prevent them, how we can solve it, what types of viruses exist, what they are based on, what they want to do, how they can affect us, how we can fix it how can we counteract it, We drew on the research to come up with the guide, and we ocated all the necessary topics based on the results of both the survey and the interview. That is to say, taking information that both the manager and the clients have no knowledge of the attacks that they may be victims of.es
dc.titleImplementación de guía de ataques informáticos y medidas de seguridad como solución preventiva a WhatsApp en la entidad “Asesorarte” El Carmen – Manabí.es
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA EN SISTEMAS

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