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dc.contributor.authorMoreira Merchán, Jean Pierre-
dc.identifier.citationMoreira Merchán, J. P. (2023). Plataforma web abierta para la comercialización de cerdos. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl comercio porcino anteriormente en la zona de Manabí no cuenta con una plataforma web abierta para la comercialización de cerdos; sin embargo, existen inconvenientes y dificultades para los productores al momento de vender sus productos, ya que allí interactúa el famoso llamado “intermediario”, siendo este el que se lleva el mayor porcentaje de ganancias y el productor con una pequeña parte y a veces hasta menos.es
dc.description.abstractThe Pig trade currently in the Manabí area does not have an open web platform for the commercialization of pigs; However, there are drawbacks and difficulties for producers when selling their products, since the famous so-called "intermediary" interacts there, being the one who takes the highest percentage of profits and the producer with a small part and sometimes even less. . The current Integrating Project aims to develop an open web platform for the commercialization of pigs and to be able to meet the necessary requirements for the web application, thanks to the implementation of the interviews carried out with the pig producers, it was possible to obtain the necessary data to be able to develop the web platform, then some tools were used that were useful for the development of the web application: PowerDesigner allowed the physical, logical model and the database script, XAMPP and Visual Studio Code these two tools facilitated the connection between the database data and the web application, which allowed the development of a solid platform that includes improving the pig trade, with this web platform the producers will be beneficiaries of the maximum percentage of the profits.es
dc.titlePlataforma web abierta para la comercialización de cerdos.es
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA EN SISTEMAS

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