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dc.contributor.authorBravo García, Erika Pierina-
dc.contributor.authorHidalgo Murillo, Jonathan Geovanny-
dc.identifier.citationBravo García, E. P. y Hidalgo Murillo, J. G. (2023). El Diseño curricular adaptado a las necesidades de estudiantes de la asignatura de matemáticas en la Unidad Educativa Fiscomisional “Cinco de Mayo”. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl tema de investigación se basa en El Diseño Curricular adaptado a las necesidades de estudiantes de la asignatura de matemáticas de la Unidad Educativa Fisco misional “Cinco de Mayo”, en el cantón Chone de la provincia de Manabí , sabiendo que el diseño curricular es fundamental para que el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje logre todos sus objetivos que antes han sido planificado de acuerdo al currículo, este diseño ayuda a sobrellevar las necesidades que pudiesen existir dentro del aula, donde esos pequeños detalles son los que marcan la diferencia del antes y después del proceso de aprendizaje, es por aquello que se busca a través de este trabajo ayudar a las futuras generaciones.es
dc.description.abstractThe research topic is based on the curricular design adapted to the needs of students of the mathematics subject of the missionary Treasury Educational Unit "Cinco de Mayo", in the Chone canton of the province of Manabí, knowing that the curricular design is fundamental so that the teaching-learning process achieves all its objectives that have previously been planned according to the curriculum, this design helps to cope with the needs that may exist within the classroom, where those small details are what make the difference between before and after of the learning process, it is for what is sought through this work to help future generations. With this background, a study was carried out on the incidence of curricular designs in the area of mathematics and its impact on academic performance, within these results it was possible to show that students present anguish and rejection towards tasks in the area of mathematics, as well as, reading problems; For this reason, a curricular design is presented to be addressed to meet the needs of students in the mathematical field, thanks to the data obtained according to the survey applied to teachers and parents that helped us to express our perspective in this report and thus be able to reach conclusions that allow the future of teaching to cope with the different cases presented around the needs and thus be able to comply and reach significant learning.es
dc.subjectPLAN DE ESTUDIOSes
dc.titleEl Diseño curricular adaptado a las necesidades de estudiantes de la asignatura de matemáticas en la Unidad Educativa Fiscomisional “Cinco de Mayo”.es
Aparece en las colecciones: CIENCIAS EXPERIMENTALES

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