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dc.contributor.authorFarias Marcillo, Jean Pierre-
dc.identifier.citationFarias Marcillo, J. P. (2023). GeoGebra como herramienta metodológica en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la física en la unidad educativa “cinco de mayo” del cantón chone. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl presente trabajo de investigación está basado en la innovación de herramientas tecnológicas como GeoGebra en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la física en la Unidad Educativa “Cinco de Mayo”, del Cantón Chone, es importante para toda la comunidad educativa ya que se busca la motivación y la implementación de la tecnología, busca fomentar nuevas estrategias tanto para docentes y estudiantes en el aporte de los procesos de aprendizajes de la física, al logras ser un software educativo y vinculado a la educación ayudara al fortalecimiento del aprendizaje significativo en los estudiantes.es
dc.description.abstractThe present research work is based on the innovation of technological tools such as GeoGebra in the teaching-learning process of physics in the "Cinco de Mayo" Educational Unit, of the Chone Canton, it is important for the entire educational community since it seeks the motivation and implementation of technology, seeks to promote new strategies for both teachers and students in the contribution of the learning processes of physics, by being an educational software and linked to education will help strengthen meaningful learning in students . The main objective that he maintains is to determine the influence that GeoGebra generates as a ethodological tool in the teaching-learning process of physics, the educational software GeoGebra is presented as an extraordinary candidate in the teachinglearning process of physics, since it does not It only allows solving in a fast, safe and innovative way the various problems that are represented in the learning of this subject, but also, it is a tool that allows stimulating and developing the creativity of the students by allowing them to discover and strengthen knowledge. For the collection of information, the survey technique was applied to students and an interview with teachers, the research focused on the social and educational behavior of individuals, the findings that emerged in the first instance were that third-year high school students are who know, but do not use the educational software GeoGebra within the subject of physics. In conclusion, by applying this technological tool such as GeoGebra software, the level of student learning can be improved.es
dc.titleGeoGebra como herramienta metodológica en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la física en la unidad educativa “cinco de mayo” del cantón chone.es
Aparece en las colecciones: CIENCIAS EXPERIMENTALES

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