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dc.contributor.authorChávez Chávez, Kevin Francisco-
dc.contributor.authorMedranda Zambrano, Génesis Lilibeth-
dc.identifier.citationChávez Chávez, K. F. y Medranda Zambrano, G. L. (2023). La discalculia en el rendimiento académico de las nociones básicas matemáticas de los estudiantes de básica media de las Unidades Educativa de Chone. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl actual trabajo investigativo tiene como propósito en analizar la incidencia de la Discalculia y las nociones básicas matemática en los estudiantes de educación básica media de la Unidad Educativa “Cinco de Mayo” del cantón Chone. Esta investigación contribuirá a reducir las dificultades en la comprensión de la Matemática en niños y niñas cabe recalcar que el estudiante, con dificultades, podrá aplicarse través de un manejo metodológico para desarrollar destrezas y habilidades para poder superar cada una de las dificultades en la comprensión y procesamiento de los problemas matemáticos y a su vez mejorar su rendimiento académico donde se educa día a día.es
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research work is to analyze the incidence of Dyscalculia and the basic notions in the middle basic education of the students of the "Cinco de Mayo" Educational Unit of the Chone canton. This research will contribute to reduce the difficulties in the understanding of Mathematics in boys and girls. It should be emphasized that the student, with difficulties, will be able to apply himself through a methodological management to develop skills and abilities to be able to overcome the difficulties in the understanding and processing of the mathematical problems and in turn improve their academic performance where they are educated every day. This research reaches a degree of depth at a descriptive level with a qualitative approach, supported by data collection techniques typical of the aforementioned approach. The difficulties detected and presented in the learning of mathematics, is considered as a problem and therefore as an object of study, in addition to the surveys applied in the present investigation, in which very obvious situations were identified in which they could have their origin in triggering factors, the product of cognitive deficiencies in students in an educational way about dyscalculia in today's students who are being educated for the future of society.es
dc.titleLa discalculia en el rendimiento académico de las nociones básicas matemáticas de los estudiantes de básica media de las Unidades Educativa de Chone.es
Aparece en las colecciones: CIENCIAS EXPERIMENTALES

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