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dc.contributor.authorBazurto Intriago, María Paola-
dc.identifier.citationBazurto Intriago, M. P. (2023). Estrategias metodológicas aplicadas en el proyecto de vinculación "Building matematic" con enfoque al fortalecimiento socio-educativo. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl objetivo principal del presente estudio es mostrar las estrategias metodológicas aplicadas en el proyecto de vinculación utilizando las TIC para el desarrollo del pensamiento matemático en los estudiantes de tercero de bachillerato de la Unidad Educativa “San Cayetano” del cantón Chone, las estrategias metodológicas en la educación juega un papel importante porque permite la orientación al logro de los aprendizajes esperados, los cuales el alumnado debe de continuar para construir su propio conocimiento, facilitando la comprensión de los contenidos y haciendo que este se interese en los procesos matemáticos fortaleciendo su intelecto.es
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of this study is to show the methodological strategies applied in the linkage project using ICT for the development of mathematical thinking in third year high school students of the San Cayetano Educational Unit of the canton Chone, methodological strategies in education play an important role because they allow to guide the achievement of expected learning, that students should continue to build their own knowledge, facilitating the understanding of the contents and making them interested in mathematical processes, strengthening their intellect. The instruments used were the interview, the didactic guide and an evaluation of knowledge for both variables, the population for the development of this project was the third year of high school of the San Cayetano Educational Unit from Chone,67 out of 110 students were the object of study through data collection. The use of educational software allows the teacher to perform demonstrations and reflection leading to facilitate the sense that has with this new learning, make use of all technological resources for the good of education and especially try to make students develop the ability of critical thinking and reflective thinking to make their own decisions. The teacher can use GeoGebra to help students lose their fear to mathematics, creating interactive and enjoyable lessons, so that students can really see the applications of mathematics in their daily lives; in this way they will relate each mathematical concept to real problems.es
dc.titleEstrategias metodológicas aplicadas en el proyecto de vinculación "Building matematic" con enfoque al fortalecimiento socio-educativo.es
Aparece en las colecciones: CIENCIAS EXPERIMENTALES

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