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Título : Evaluación de la contaminación acústica en la zona regenerada de Barbasquillo-Cdla Universitaria del cantón Manta y su impacto en la población del sector.
Autor : Vélez Marcillo, María Alejandra
Fecha de publicación : 2023
Citación : Vélez Marcillo, M. A. (2023). Evaluación de la contaminación acústica en la zona regenerada de Barbasquillo-Cdla Universitaria del cantón Manta y su impacto en la población del sector. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-POSG-ING.IND;007
Resumen : This research work has focused on analyzing and evaluating noise sources, sound pressure levels and the possible effects of noise on the residents of the Ciudadela Universitaria of Canton Manta, contrasting the results of technical measurements of equivalent continuous sound pressure level with the perception of the inhabitants of the study area and thus identify whether or not there is an effect on their health. In the first instance, data was collected through direct sound level meter measurements in the study area, determining a total of 21 sampling points during daytime and 24 sampling points at night, and then tabulating the data obtained with the help of statistical tools, through mathematical formulas established in the Acuerdo Ministerial 097 A of 2015 of the Republic of Ecuador. On the other hand, surveys were applied to the residents of the study area, to know their perception of the noise generated in this sector, thus evidencing that there is annoyance in the dwellers regarding noise in the sector. Based on the above considerations, it was concluded that, of the 21 sampling points during daytime hours, only one point presents a continuous equivalent sound pressure level below the permissible level of 55 dB (A), while of the 24 sampling points during nighttime hours, two of these points present a continuous equivalent sound pressure level below the permissible level of 45 dB (A).
Descripción : El presente trabajo de investigación se ha enfocado en analizar y evaluar las fuentes de ruido, los niveles de presión sonora y los posibles efectos del ruido en los residentes de la Ciudadela Universitaria del Cantón Manta, contrastando los resultados de mediciones técnicas de nivel de presión sonora continuo equivalente, frente a la percepción que tienen los habitantes del área de estudio y así identificar si existe o no una afectación a la salud en los mismos.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/4777

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