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dc.contributor.authorMacías Moreira, Jenny Michelle-
dc.identifier.citationMacías Moreira, J. M. (2023). “El trabajo informal y su incidencia en la calidad de vida familiar en el sector comercial Nuevo Tarqui, del cantón Manta, periodo 2022-2023.” (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa falta de protección social, estabilidad laboral y reglamentaciones claras que regulen las condiciones de trabajo son algunas de las características intrínsecas del trabajo informal que afectan la calidad de vida laboral de quienes la ejercen. La presente investigación planteo como objetivo general investigar la incidencia del trabajo informal en la calidad de vida familiar en el sector comercial Nuevo Tarqui, del cantón Manta, periodo 2022-2023.es
dc.description.abstractThe lack of social protection, job stability and clear regulations governing working conditions are some of the intrinsic characteristics of informal work that affect the quality of working life of those who practice it. The general objective of this research was to investigate the incidence of informal work on the quality of family life in the Nuevo Tarqui commercial sector of the Manta canton, period 2022-2023. The methodology used was quantitative, descriptive and exploratory, using analytical, deductive-inductive methods, with the survey technique applied to a purposive sample of 100 informal workers in the area under study. Among the main results, it was identified that the main causes that originate informal work in the Nuevo Tarqui commercial sector are the lack of formal labor opportunities and capital, having as effects insufficient income to satisfy their needs, scarcity of family time and unstable labor situation. It is concluded that the impact of informal work on the quality of family life is significant due to the lack of social protection, job stability and clear regulations governing working conditions. The quality of life in the informal sector is low and is associated with factors such as job insecurity, lack of social protection and low pay. In addition, labor informality limits the benefits of trade for developing countries and increases their vulnerability to economic crises.es
dc.title“El trabajo informal y su incidencia en la calidad de vida familiar en el sector comercial Nuevo Tarqui, del cantón Manta, periodo 2022-2023.”es
Aparece en las colecciones: TRABAJO SOCIAL

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