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dc.contributor.authorBailon Ortega, Coby Brandon-
dc.identifier.citationBailon Ortega, C. B. (2022). Análisis del impacto visual de la imagen urbana de la ciudad de Montecristi a causa del exceso de publicidad. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa imagen urbana de la ciudad ha cambiado considerablemente en el transcurso de los años. La evolución arquitectónica de cada lugar, con la incorporación de nuevas tipologías durante las últimas décadas ha dado a la ciudad una configuración distinta que combina elementos del pasado con otros propios del siglo XXl. Así, la tecnología y las nuevas estaciones comerciales han hecho posible que se realicen publicidades de magnitudes tan grandes que llegan a opacar el paisaje urbano e, incluso, el natural.es
dc.description.abstractThe urban image of the city has changed considerably over the years. The architectural evolution of each place, with the incorporation of new typologies during the last decades, has given the city a different configuration that combines elements of the past with others of the 20th century. Thus, technology and the new commercial stations have made it possible to realize advertisements of such large magnitudes that they overshadow the urban landscape and even the natural one. In our case, we will focus on the city of Montecristi in the current year 2022 as an example and phenomenon to study, because it has a main road-Metropolitan Avenue in which the problem is clearly evident, attracting the attention of the driver and also the passerby or immediate user. To address the problem was taken as a study the main road of the city which has been applied through a descriptive-deductive methodology to address the problems of visual pollution in the city of Montecristi, reaching the following results which show between 70 to 80% of visual pollution and with a medium-high degree of affectation in sidewalks and buildings, where the affectation of the urban image is visible, recommending proposals and ideas legible in urban elements and delimitation of the owner of the commercial property to the public circulation space. This research is expected to help improve the city.es
dc.titleAnálisis del impacto visual de la imagen urbana de la ciudad de Montecristi a causa del exceso de publicidad.es
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