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dc.contributor.authorZambrano Rivas, Juleidi Monserrate-
dc.identifier.citationZambrano Rivas, J. M. (2022). Análisis de la vulnerabilidad del asentamiento informal en zona de riesgo del barrio el porvenir alto y propuesta de solución urbana-arquitectónica. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl presente trabajo de investigación pretende realizar un análisis situacional o estudio territorial que ayuden a determinar la exposición de vulnerabilidad que presenta un grupo de familias asentadas en una zona de riesgo del barrio el Porvenir Alto, posterior al análisis generar una alternativa de solución eficiente que permita mitigar o erradicar el estado de vulnerabilidad que se presenta actualmente en estas familias.es
dc.description.abstractThis research work aims to carry out a situational analysis or study territorial that help determine the vulnerability exposure presented by a group of families settled in a risk area of ​​the Porvenir Alto neighborhood, after the analysis generate an alternative efficient solution that allows mitigating or eradicating the state of vulnerability that currently exists in these families. The methodology implemented in the project is based on research, documentation and comparison of data collected in the analytical development of the work of degree, these data focused on the development of solution methodologies, within the results obtained in the development of the project we have the relocation of these families to the Urbirrios II sector where a housing program of interest has been designed social with which it is intended to eliminate the exposure of vulnerability. The house contains conditions to be able to be replicated, it is recommended that the Agencies in charge of providing housing such as MIDUVI take into account this and other projects related to social housing, because it is a project based on the real analysis of a vulnerable sector.es
dc.titleAnálisis de la vulnerabilidad del asentamiento informal en zona de riesgo del barrio el porvenir alto y propuesta de solución urbana-arquitectónica.es
Aparece en las colecciones: ARQUITECTURA

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