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dc.contributor.authorChávez Moreira, Dayana Monserrate-
dc.identifier.citationChávez Moreira, D. M. (2022). Trazabilidad de antibióticos en ganaderías lecheras de la parroquia 4 de Diciembre del cantón El Carmen, Manabí. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl presente trabajo de investigación se desarrolló en la parroquia 4 de diciembre del cantón El Carmen, ubicado en el km 40 de la vía Santo Domingo – Chone, con el objetivo de determinar la trazabilidad de antibióticos en ganaderías lecheras del sector, para el desarrollo del trabajo experimental se establecieron una encuesta y se tomaron muestras de leche cruda recién ordeñada en cada uno de los hatos ganaderos.es
dc.description.abstractThe present research work was developed in the parish of December 4 of the El Carmen canton, located at km 40 of the Santo Domingo - Chone road, with the objective of determining the traceability of antibiotics in dairy farms in the sector, for the development of the experimental work a survey was established and samples of freshly milked raw milk were taken in each of the cattle herds, to determine the number of samples the cattle farms with milk purpose were counted and the sample size formula was used, the analysis For the determination of antibiotic residues, the Ring Biotechnology Tritest BTS kit was used; the results of the survey showed that most of them do not have professional technical advice, despite this the producers know about the residues and withdrawal time of antibiotics in animals; they are willing to effectively handle antibiotics and perform tests that determine the composition of milk; Regarding the analysis of the milk samples, it was found that 84.62% of the analyzed samples were positive in the presence of tetracycline, beta-lactams and sulfonamides.es
dc.titleTrazabilidad de antibióticos en ganaderías lecheras de la parroquia 4 de Diciembre del cantón El Carmen, Manabí.es
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA AGROPECUARIA

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