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dc.contributor.authorGuajala Benavides, Oscar Adrián-
dc.identifier.citationGuajala Benavides, O. A. (2022). Composición química del pasto cuba 22 (pennisetum sp.) a cinco niveles de lixiviado de humus de lombriz. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa presente investigación experimental tuvo como propósito evaluar la composición química del pasto Cuba OM-22 (Pennisetum sp) a cinco niveles de lixiviado de humus de lombriz, en los predios de Agrodimeza, localizado en el Km 29 de la vía a Santo Domingo – Chone, ubicada en la parroquia El Carmen, en el cantón El Carmen al Norte de la provincia de Manabí. Se utilizó un diseño experimental de bloques completamente al azar (DBCA), con cinco tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones.es
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this experimental investigation was to evaluate the chemical composition of Cuba OM-22 grass (Pennisetum sp.) at five levels of earthworm humus leachate, in the Agrodimeza estate, located at Km 29 of the road to Santo Domingo - Chone, located in the parish of El Carmen, in the canton of El Carmen in the north of the province of Manabí. A completely randomized block experimental design (DBCA) was used, with five treatments and four repetitions. The earthworm humus leachate influenced the accumulation of crude protein in the foliage of Cuba OM-22 grass, the values ranged between 12.7 % when 2 Lha-1 were used and 14.98 % with 8 Lha-1 of the leachate. The variations in the content of fiber and inorganic matter with the different treatments are minimal, there is no tendency to increase or decrease according to the level of earthworm humus leaching used. The ethereal extract had its highest record 3.30% with the highest dose of earthworm humus leachate 10 Lha-1. The nitrogen-free extract had its highest accumulation when earthworm humus leachate 2 Lha -1 was applied with 38.23%.es
dc.subjectPASTO CUBA OM-22es
dc.titleComposición química del pasto cuba 22 (pennisetum sp.) a cinco niveles de lixiviado de humus de lombriz.es
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA AGROPECUARIA

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