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dc.contributor.authorMontalbán Vera, Delys Margarita-
dc.identifier.citationMontalbán Vera, D. M. (2022). Pigmentación en pollos de engorde con la suplementación de harina de zapallo ( cucurbita maxima). (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa presente investigación se estableció para evaluar la pigmentación en pollos de engorde con la suplementación de harina de zapallo (Cucurbita maxima), para ello se evaluó 80 unidades experimentales dispuestos en un diseño completamente al azar con 4 tratamientos: (0%, 5%,10% y 15% de harina de zapallo) con distinción de hembras y machos se midió la ganancia de peso semanal, consumo de alimento, conversión alimenticia, mortalidad, pigmentación de la piel y análisis económico.es
dc.description.abstractThe present investigation was established to evaluate the pigmentation in broilers with the supplementation of pumpkin flour (Cucurbita maxima), for which 80 experimental units arranged in a completely random design with 4 treatments were evaluated: (0%, 5%, 10% and 15% of pumpkin flour) with distinction of females and males, weekly weight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion, mortality, skin pigmentation and economic analysis were measured. The results show that there was significance in weight gain in Broiler chickens due to the supplementation of pumpkin flour (Cucurbita maxima), being T2 (Machos + 10%HZ) the best with 2322,73 grams with a feed conversion of 1,50. In addition, it was determined that skin pigmentation improved with T3 (Male + 15% HZ) with 6,20 and T3 (Female + 15% HZ) with 5,65 points, with values on the Roche scale. Finally, it was established that the treatment with the highest cost benefit ratio was T2 (Male + 10% HZ) with 1,59 and T2 (Females + 10% HZ) with 1,47 and a utility for males of 36,97% and females of 31,92%, so they are considered economically more profitable.es
dc.titlePigmentación en pollos de engorde con la suplementación de harina de zapallo ( cucurbita maxima).es
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA AGROPECUARIA

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