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dc.contributor.authorPárraga Arteaga, Yazmani Alexander-
dc.identifier.citationPárraga Arteaga, Y. A. (2022). Influencia de la edad, raza y sexo sobre la prevalencia de Babesiosis en bovinos del cantón El Carmen. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl objetivo de esta investigación es establecer la influencia de la edad, raza y sexo sobre la prevalencia de Babesiosis en bovinos del cantón El Carmen mediante un frotis de gota fina utilizando un método de tinción de Diff-Quick, se evaluó también la parasitemia en función de la edad, raza y sexo y se analizó los factores de riesgos asociado a la enfermedad. La Babesiosis es una enfermedad transmitida por las garrapatas, como es el caso de Boophilus microplus, el cual se nombra como las principales transmisoras de la enfermedad, que causa significativamente morbilidad y mortalidad en los bovinos el cual se convierte en uno de los principales factores limitantes en el avance de la ganadería Fueron tomadas 270 muestras de la vena coccígea ubicada en la zona ano-caudal.es
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this research is to establish the influence of age, race and sex on the prevalence of Babesiosis in cattle in the canton of El Carmen by means of a fine drop smear using a Diff-Quick staining method, parasitaemia was also evaluated based on of age, race and sex and the risk factors associated with the disease were analyzed. Babesiosis is a disease transmitted by ticks, such as Boophilus microplus, which is named as the main transmitter of the disease, which causes significant morbidity and mortality in cattle, which becomes one of the main limiting factors. in the advancement of livestock 270 samples were taken from the coccygeal vein located in the anus-caudal area. The samples were distributed in 30 properties in the six parishes of the El Carmen canton. The average prevalence was 18.52%, highlighting that the parish with the highest prevalence was Wilfrido Loor with 33.33% and the parishes with the least prevalence were El Carmen and San Pedro de Suma with 8.89% equally. The results of parasitemia according to age, race and sex, it was reported that Bos taurus animals are more susceptible to the disease, in terms of sex, females are more susceptible to the disease while age does not influence suffering from parasitemia. The results presented in (table 5.), it was evidenced that the variable has had a history of anemia, has had a history of abortion, has had a history of hemotropic diseases are aspects directly associated with the risk (O.R. > 1) of the presence of Babesiosis in the bovines of the cattle herds of the Canton El Carmen. On the contrary, the other variables expressed protective factors (OR < 1).es
dc.titleInfluencia de la edad, raza y sexo sobre la prevalencia de Babesiosis en bovinos del cantón El Carmen.es
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA AGROPECUARIA

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