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dc.contributor.authorRugel Alvarado, Erika Johanna-
dc.identifier.citationRugel Alvarado, E. J. (2022). Efecto del uso de tres dosis dezeolita en la dieta de pollos camperos alimentados conconcentrado y plátano ad libitum. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa investigación se realizó en la Estación Experimental en el cantón Santo Domingo, en la parroquia Valle Hermoso Km3 camino a Chiguilpe. Evaluarelefectodelazeolitaenladietadepolloscamperosalimentadoscondosis de concentrado y plátano ad libitum. Un diseño de bloques aleatorios de tres. Se estableció tratamientos con cuatro replicaciones.es
dc.description.abstractThe research was carried out at the Experimental Station in the Santo Domingo canton, in the Valle Hermoso Km3 parish on the way to Chiguilpe. evaluate the effect of zeolite in the diet of free-range chickens fed with doses of concentrate and banana ad libitum. A randomized block design of three Treatments were established with four replications. It was obtained that in the weight gain and feed conversion of the different treatments with zeolites in the diet of free-range chickens fed doses of concentrate and banana ad libitum, There were no significant differences. In the consumption of banana in the different zeolite and concentrate treatments, there are no differences despite difference between rations, which demonstrates the acceptability as food by free-range chickens. The benefit/cost ratio was greater than 1 when 6 and 8% Zeolite was used in the feed.es
dc.subjectGANANCIA DE PESOes
dc.titleEfecto del uso de tres dosis dezeolita en la dieta de pollos camperos alimentados conconcentrado y plátano ad libitum.es
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA AGROPECUARIA

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