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dc.contributor.authorUgsa Esmeralda, Evelyn Diana-
dc.identifier.citationUgsa Esmeralda, E. D. (2022). Manejo de sigatoka negra con fungicidas de baja toxicidad en el cultivo de plátano Musa AAB. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl presente trabajo de investigación se llevó a cabo con el propósito de reducir el impacto de la enfermedad de la sigatoka negra en el cultivo del plátano (Musa AAB) en la zona de El Carmen. Para lo cual se evaluaron 20 tratamientos implementados en un diseño de bloques completos al azar DBCA para la fase de campo, El cultivo de plátano en el ecuador representa una fuente importante económica en especial en la provincia de Manabí.es
dc.description.abstractThe present research work was carried out with the purpose of reducing the impact of the black sigatoka disease in the cultivation of plantain (Musa AAB) in the area of El Carmen. For which 20 treatments implemented in a DBCA randomized complete block design for the field phase were evaluated. Plantain cultivation in Ecuador represents an important economic source, especially in the province of Manabí, in which there is a greater concentration of hectares. of banana cultivation, however, is not free of fungi and diseases, which are the main cause of problems in banana management, since foliar diseases represent the main causes of banana production. (fao.org, 2013) of the results obtained at the field level where low toxicity fungicides were evaluated in comparison with chemical fungicides, these showed significant differences in the vegetative, productive and economic variables, with difeconazole being the one with the highest efficiencies, however, ozonated oil and Ausoil showed interesting results in reducing the incidence of leaf spot.es
dc.titleManejo de sigatoka negra con fungicidas de baja toxicidad en el cultivo de plátano Musa AAB.es
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA AGROPECUARIA

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