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dc.contributor.authorVelásquez Zambrano, Jackson Jesús-
dc.identifier.citationVelásquez Zambrano, J. J. (2022). Aplicación del Silicio Biodisponible como complemento edáfico en el cultivo de plátano de exportación (Musa AAB). (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl cultivo de plátano es uno de los principales cultivos en el ecuador situándose dentro de los primeros lugares, generando miles de toneladas al año las cuales son exportadas a diferentes mercados entre ellos al europeo constituyendo parte de la dieta diaria para estas familias. La provincia de Manabí, principalmente el cantón el Carmen es quien cubre la mayoría de superficie cultivada las mismas que generan varias toneladas de producción semanalmente.es
dc.description.abstractThe cultivation of bananas is one of the main crops in Ecuador, being among the first places, generating thousands of tons a year which are exported to different markets including europe, constituting part of the daily diet for these families. The province of Manabí, mainly the canton of Carmen is the one that covers most of the cultivated area, the same ones that generate several tons of production weekly. The present work had the purpose of implementing silicon as an edaphic complement in different doses in banana cultivation, for the experiment a completely random block design was used in which 5 treatments and 4 repetitions were included, which shows in the following results. This trial aimed to apply the Bioavailable Silicon and evaluate in response to the stress of biotic and abiotic factors in the cultivation of banana export (Musa AAB), measure variables such as height, number of leaves and perimeter of the pseudostem of the plant in three different periods of the vegetative phase, and with these data determine the best dose to apply of Silicon. Within the results obtained, the silicon contributed numerically evidenced in the means of the variables in the increase of the diameter of the pseudostem, number of leaves and height of the plant after this, the treatments for the incidence of nematodes were not affected since the overturning of plants, insects and the leaf area did not present greater necrosis caused by black sigatoka.es
dc.titleAplicación del Silicio Biodisponible como complemento edáfico en el cultivo de plátano de exportación (Musa AAB).es
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA AGROPECUARIA

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