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dc.contributor.authorZambrano Pazmiño, Adriana Melissa-
dc.identifier.citationCedZambrano Pazmiño, A. M. (2022). Obtención de alcohol etílico a partir de la fermentación y destilación alcohólica del mosto del plátano maduro de diferentes musáceas cultivables en el cantón El Carmen. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionSe realizó un trabajo experimental en el Laboratorio de Agroindustria de la Granja Experimental Río Suma, Universidad Laica “Eloy Alfaro” de Manabí, Extensión en El Carmen con el objetivo de comparar el rendimiento de alcohol etílico a partir de la fermentación y destilación alcohólica del mosto del plátano maduro de diferentes musáceas cultivadas en el cantón El Carmen; para el establecimiento del experimento de planteó un diseño completamente al azar (DCA) con 5 tratamientos que comprenden las cultivares de plátano (barraganete, dominico, banano, maqueño y orito).es
dc.description.abstractAn experimental work was carried out in the Agroindustry Laboratory of the Río Suma Experimental Farm, Laica University "Eloy Alfaro" of Manabí, Extension in El Carmen with the objective of comparing the yield of ethyl alcohol from the fermentation and alcoholic distillation of the must. of the ripe banana of different musaceae cultivated in the El Carmen canton; For the establishment of the experiment, a completely randomized block design (DBCA) was proposed with 5 treatments that include the banana varieties barraganete, dominico, banana, maqueño and orito) and 3 repetitions, for the preparation of the mixture the musts in water to which citric acid and sugar were added and then subjected to pasteurization, at the end everything was subjected to fermentation and distillation, the variables measured were pH, solid and liquid must, content and percentage of alcohol. The results obtained in terms of pH did not show significant differences (p < 0.05) between the banana varieties, as well as the production of solid must, the average of these parameters was 3.93 pH and 1386.1 g respectively; For the liquid must, all the varieties presented the highest yield with an average of 1,641.25 ml, except for the Dominican, which barely reached 891.5 ml. For the alcohol content in the mixtures, the banana obtained the highest value with 295 ml and the highest percentage was from the Dominican with 70% of the content.es
dc.titleObtención de alcohol etílico a partir de la fermentación y destilación alcohólica del mosto del plátano maduro de diferentes musáceas cultivables en el cantón El Carmen.es
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA AGROPECUARIA

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