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dc.contributor.authorSantillán Palma, Víctor Elian-
dc.identifier.citationSantillán Palma, V. E. (2022). Reading competence in english-spanish of students with hearing impai rment: access and technical support in ecuadorian universities. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl acceso de estudiantes con déficit sensorial a los apoyos pedagógicos/técnicos sigue siendo un desafío para las universidades a nivel mundial. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar el nivel de apoyo pedagógico/técnico que las universidades ofrecen a los estudiantes con discapacidad auditiva en Ecuador. Se acude al enfoque mixto de la investigación científica.es
dc.description.abstractAccessing students with sensory deficits to technical support continues to challenge universities worldwide. This work aims to determine the level of technical support universities offer to students with hearing disabilities in Ecuador. It used a mixed approach to scientific research. The instrument used is the Inclusive Education Access Questionnaire created by Real. The techniques used were contextual observation, indepth interviews, and surveys. The results show that access to technical support in the university context is needed, reducing the development of students reading skills. The study concluded that the universities of Manabí in Ecuador need to install technical support to help students with hearing disabilities. It requires strengthening teachers' training and motivation to implement curricular adaptations and tutorials to improve students' reading skills.es
dc.titleReading competence in english-spanish of students with hearing impai rment: access and technical support in ecuadorian universities.es
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