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Título : Propuesta arquitectónica de un centro geriátrico integral para el adulto mayor del cantón Sucre.
Autor : Doumet Cisneros, Isabel Fadiana
Palabras clave : ADULTO MAYOR
Fecha de publicación : 2019
Citación : Doumet Cisneros, I. F. (2022). Propuesta arquitectónica de un centro geriátrico integral para el adulto mayor del cantón Sucre. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-ARQ;0226
Resumen : In the canton of Sucre, in the province of Manabí, there is evidence of a high percentage of elderly people, who are found with high poverty rates, for this reason we must take into account that aging is a natural stage through which we cross all human beings. Being this one of the most vulnerable men in human evolution and in many of the occasions they find themselves alone, abandoned and without family support. This age group is as one of the most vulnerable was mentioned, which is why it is essential that as a society we take into account the need to plan strategies that improve their quality of life. Older adults have more frequent neurological disorders and physical alterations: it is necessary that in the Canton Sucre has a Center for Specialized Care for the Elderly, this project is focused on the creation of a center Integral Attention service available to the community of the elderly, the same that is in an accessible place and that has recreational, social, cultural and playful activities. It should be taken into account that the physical infrastructure is one of the bases for the start of the attention of these people, the same that must have areas of residence, health, food and recreation with adequate access for them in order to provide a better quality of life.
Descripción : En el cantón Sucre, de la provincia de Manabí se evidencia de un alto porcentaje de personas de la tercera edad; los mismos que se encuentra con altos índices de pobreza, por esta razón debemos tomar en cuenta que el envejecimiento es una etapa natural por la cual atravesamos todos los seres humanos. Siendo este uno de los periodos más vulnerables dentro de la evolución humana y en muchas de las ocasiones los mismos se encuentran solos, abandonados y sin el apoyo de los familiares.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5300
Aparece en las colecciones: ARQUITECTURA

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