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dc.contributor.authorGonzález Moreno, Carlos Javier-
dc.identifier.citationGonzález Moreno, C. J. (2019). Propuesta alternativa para complejo de gestión municipal del cantón Jipijapa, provincia de Manabí. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl presente trabajo de investigación, se enmare en la situación actual de las instalaciones del GAD Municipal de Jipijapa, referente a la problemática de conflictos de sus actividades diarias, con espacios reducidos y otros sin aprovechar, los mismos que han conllevado a diversos sub-problemas que afectan de manera directa a la población del cantón y sus alrededores.es
dc.description.abstractThe point where the intervention was carried out to investigate the problem found, was in the Jipijapa canton of the province of Manabí, in the municipal management complex, which is currently deteriorated its physical infrastructure and a conflict of order is visualized in the functionality and mobility in building. The present research work is framed in the current situation of the facilities of the Municipal GAD of Jipijapa, referring to the problem of conflicts in their daily activities, with small spaces and others without take advantage of, the same ones that have led to various sub-problems that They directly affect the population of the canton and its surroundings. The primary objective of this work is to diagnose and recognize the problem on site, that led to making a proposal for intervention to improve the activities carried out in the Municipal GAD daily, and in this way contributes to satisfying the needs of both the working personnel and the general population. The “ALTERNATIVE PROPOSAL FOR MANAGEMENT COMPLEX” MUNICIPALITY OF THE CANTON JIPIJAPA, PROVINCE OF MANABI” will allow to enhance and improve management and administration activities, and beautify the city. Furthermore, the proposed proposal is based on the direct relationship with the surrounding public spaces found in the sector.es
dc.titlePropuesta alternativa para complejo de gestión municipal del cantón Jipijapa, provincia de Manabí.es
Aparece en las colecciones: ARQUITECTURA

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