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dc.contributor.authorMendoza Zambrano, Byron Daniel-
dc.identifier.citationMendoza Zambrano, B. D. (2019). Proyecto de parque ecológico para la mitigación del deterioro del espacio público recreativo en la ciudadela Los Tamarindos del cantón Portoviejo. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa degradación del espacio público son procesos de transformación del territorio que conlleva a cambios negativos y es particularmente notorio en barrios populares y zonas marginales, en donde la delincuencia, la inseguridad y el vicio se apropian del lugar.es
dc.description.abstractThe degradation of public space is a process of transformation of the territory that leads to negative changes and is particularly noticeable in popular neighborhoods and marginal areas, where crime, insecurity and vice take over the place. This being the problem in question, this research is developed in the An area consolidated company belonging to the Portoviejo canton of the province of Manabí. This research takes place over a period of time, between May and October. of the year 2018. In order to diagnose the problem of degradation of public space to develop a process revitalization of them, the following types of research: Exploratory, Descriptive, Explanatory (non-experimental), and Quantitative. The following idea was proposed to defend: The degradation of public space recreational, is a consequence of the inadequate management of the territory of the Los Tamarindos citadel by the competent authorities, to To verify this idea, a population calculation was carried out that determined 290 inhabitants as a sample, and then survey them. In the research stage, the following methods were used: Analytical, Synthetic, Deductive-Inductive, Historical, Statistical, Analytical-Synthetic and Abstraction-Concretion. The following results were obtained for each research study phase: Conclusion of the reference framework, determination of the situational diagnosis of the problem and development of a proposed solution to the problem.es
dc.titleProyecto de parque ecológico para la mitigación del deterioro del espacio público recreativo en la ciudadela Los Tamarindos del cantón Portoviejo.es
Aparece en las colecciones: ARQUITECTURA

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