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dc.contributor.authorVélez Cedeño, Javier Guillermo-
dc.identifier.citationVélez Cedeño, J. G. (2019). Centro de atención integral para el adulto mayor para el cantón Santa Ana y su área de influencia. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionUn centro de Atención Integral para el Adulto Mayor consiste en un lugar conformado por varias áreas de servicio que buscan cubrir las necesidades sociales, psicológicas, de salud y nutrición de los ancianos en un entorno grupal y ameno. Estas instalaciones brindan a los adultos mayores cuidado transitorio y rehabilitación a corto plazo por lo cual resulta muy importante para que estas personas tengan acceso a una mejor calidad de vida. Este trabajo se llevó a cabo con la finalidad de determinar mediante un diagnóstico la situación actual de los espacios de atención integral del adulto mayor y su área de influencia en el cantón Santa Ana para la formulación de una propuesta arquitectónica que contribuya a la satisfacción a sus necesidades inmediata.es
dc.description.abstractA Comprehensive Care Center for the Elderly consists of a place made up of through various service areas that seek to cover the social, psychological, health and nutrition of the elderly in a group and enjoyable environment. These facilities provide older adults with short-term transitional care and rehabilitation which is very important so that these people have access to a better quality of life. This work was carried out with the purpose of determining through a diagnosis of the current situation of comprehensive care spaces for the elderly and its area of ​​influence in the Santa Ana canton for the formulation of a proposal architecture that contributes to the satisfaction of your immediate needs. To obtain results, it was decided to carry out a bibliographic research documentary that allowed the collection of theoretical information to support the creation of a space of comprehensive care for the elderly and their area of ​​influence from of norms, regulations, policies and concepts. Later it was diagnosed current situation of non-conformity of existing spaces for comprehensive care of the elderly in Santa Ana through a survey carried out among the population of study and where it was possible to identify that the majority of them receive care in centers of public health, are not satisfied with the service provided or with the quality of medicines provided, they also want to have dedicated spaces where they can take carry out recreational and leisure activities. Finally, an architectural proposal was developed taking as its form a sinuous serpent that refers to the Staff of Aesculapius, this proposal was based in modulation and took as conceptual principles Abstraction and Theory of Gestalt. It would be located on land on the outskirts of the urban area of ​​the Santa canton. Ana that has among its characteristics: low risk of flooding, level land, paved road in good condition. It will have areas for medical care, recreation, therapy, entertainment and socialization, emphasizing green areas within of the property to achieve a harmonious and pleasant nvironment for the elderly.es
dc.subjectADULTO MAYORes
dc.titleCentro de atención integral para el adulto mayor para el cantón Santa Ana y su área de influencia.es
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