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dc.contributor.authorMendoza Alcivar, Irvin Darío-
dc.identifier.citationMendoza Alcivar, I. D. (2019).Propuesta arquitectónica del parque lineal ecológico en las riberas del río chone en el sector San Felipe del cantón Chone. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl presente estudio se realizó en el sector San Felipe, barrio perteneciente al casco consolidado del Cantón Chone; se enmarca en el campo de acción de Ordenamiento Territorial Vulnerabilidad Y Gestión De Riesgo, bajo la modalidad de Proyecto de Diseño Urbano.es
dc.description.abstractThe present study was carried out in the San Felipe sector, a neighborhood belonging to the consolidated town of Canton Chone; It is part of the field of action of Territorial Planning Vulnerability and Risk Management, under the modality of Urban Design Project. The area to intervene is the banks of the Chone River, which crosses the city and surrounds the neighborhood named above; It is currently an area without any treatment, used for illegal acts, informal settlements and in risk areas, garbage dump, insect proliferation, and weed accumulation; generating insecurity, diseases and discomfort to the inhabitants and bystanders of the sector. Due to the lack of control by the authorities and disrespect for the regulations and ordinances that govern the canton, there has been an undue use and occupation of the land. Therefore, a field work is carried out, diagnosis and survey of the inhabitants, who mostly agree in the realization of, a proposal of urban design that allows the recovery and regeneration of the riverbank, through the implementation of a linear park, destined to recreation, recreation, development, and cultural enrichment of the citizens of the sector and the canton. The following content shows an architectural proposal for a linear park as a solution to the problems encountered in the intervention area.es
dc.titlePropuesta arquitectónica del parque lineal ecológico en las riberas del río chone en el sector San Felipe del cantón Chone.es
Aparece en las colecciones: ARQUITECTURA

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