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dc.contributor.authorBarcia Vélez, Luis Carlos-
dc.identifier.citationBarcia Vélez, L. C. (2019). La Gestión Tributaria y sus repercusiones en la Rentabilidad Económica Financiera de la Distribuidora Provivera del Cantón Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl presente trabajo de investigación busca orientar a la “Distribuidora Provivera” mediante el estudio de la gestión de tributos, que le permita mejorar y lograr los resultados económicos y financieros, teniendo como finalidad implementar estrategias que le permita aplicar los procesos tributarios y así tener una efectiva gestión tributaria.es
dc.description.abstractThis research work seeks to guide the "Distribuidora Provivera" through the study of tax management, which allows it to improve and achieve economic and financial results, with the purpose of implementing processes that allow it to apply tax processes through strategies and thus have an effective tax management. In this type of business there is a variety of irregularities in tax matters, caused by the lack of knowledge of tax laws and poor planning and management of taxes, incurring costs incurred due to non-compliance with tax obligations. Management is not an unknown issue, since at present all companies are small or large need efficient processes to achieve the objectives, is how tax management has the same effect on the organization and this can be fully efficient if it counts with a tax planning, this being a very important task for the entity. The method to be used in the present investigation will be quantitative and qualitative, since it will seek to collect and analyze the data to find the cause of the problem and counteract the future effects on the results, as well as to analyze the tax management processes applied by the distributor Provivera to implement improvements. The proposed model will allow the distributor Provivera, implement tax strategies through the guide, to help positively in the final results.es
dc.titleLa Gestión Tributaria y sus repercusiones en la Rentabilidad Económica Financiera de la Distribuidora Provivera del Cantón Manta.es
Aparece en las colecciones: CONTABILIDAD Y AUDITORÍA

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