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Título : Sistema de control interno al rubro inventarios para optimizar los procesos de adquisición de materiales de construcción en la empresa CONMACO del cantón Manta.
Autor : Lucas Bravo, Ana Gabriela
Palabras clave : CONTROL INTERNO
Fecha de publicación : 2019
Citación : Lucas Bravo, A. G. (2019). Sistema de control interno al rubro inventarios para optimizar los procesos de adquisición de materiales de construcción en la empresa CONMACO del cantón Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-CT.AUD;0151
Resumen : The research work consisted of the analysis of internal inventory control in the Conmaco company in the city of Manta, this allowed the identification of shortcomings in the processes related to this area, which causes inconveniences in the company, because it generates insecurity at the time of acquire materials. The methodology used in the project included the method analytical and synthetic, the field and bibliographic modality was used as the modality, and the The type of research was descriptive. Data collection tools were used to carry out the analysis. such as surveys of company personnel, interviews with the administrator and warehouse manager, data processing was carried out for the survey through tables and graphs, for the interviews the information was analyzed obtained, a SWOT analysis of the organization is also presented, thus, it was obtained a final diagnosis determining the current situation of the company. The purpose of the research was to propose a proposal for the improvement of inventory management, this proposal was based on the design of a manual of procedures for inventory control, which Provides guidance for personnel involved in its management, allowing to improve the activities carried out in the company, thus by keeping a efficient control, acquisition processes are optimized, since the management will have knowledge of its inventory, will know the needs of the business and thus you will be able to make the best decisions when purchasing products.
Descripción : El trabajo de investigación consistió en el análisis del control interno de inventarios en la empresa Conmaco de la ciudad de Manta, este permitió la identificación de falencias en los procesos relacionados a este rubro, lo cual provoca inconvenientes en la empresa, debido a que genera inseguridad al momento de adquirir materiales. La metodología utilizada en el proyecto comprendió el método analítico y sintético, como modalidad se empleó la de campo y bibliográfica, y el tipo de investigación fue el descriptivo.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5375
Aparece en las colecciones: CONTABILIDAD Y AUDITORÍA

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