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dc.contributor.authorProaño Molina, José Stalin-
dc.contributor.authorBailón García, Roxana Mariuxi-
dc.identifier.citationProaño Molina, J. S. y Bailón García, R. M. (2019). Plataforma web para bolsa de trabajo en beneficio a los profesionales de la ULEAM. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEste proyecto tiene como propósito la construcción de una plataforma web de Bolsa de Trabajo para el uso de los profesionales graduados en la ULEAM y sus extensiones, los profesionales podrán postular a ofertas laborales publicadas por las empresas que se encuentren en la plataforma.es
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this project is to build a web platform of the Job Bank for the use of graduated professionals in the ULEAM and its extensions, professionals can apply for job offers published by the companies that are on the platform. The SCRUM methodology has been used for the development of the construction phases of the platform; to find out about the opinions of the graduates about the knowledge they have about the mechanisms that the university carries out to help them insert themselves into employment, the research was quantitative, the survey technique was used, a sample of 28 graduates was taken from FAACI. Year 2018, to which the survey has been conducted to know their opinions about the platform. The analytical-synthetic method was applied using the interview technique, which was carried out with entrepreneurs from public and private institutions, the person in charge of the graduation follow-up unit was interviewed to find out their opinions on the requirements and specifications of the platform. Given the institutional follow-up report to graduates where 30% of the professionals corresponding to the years 2016 and 2017 are unemployed, requires the institution to create spaces for professionals to access job offers and link in the exercise of their profession. After the tabulation of the data obtained, we have a clear knowledge about the current employment situation of the graduates, it was possible to verify the lack of tools that link professionals and companies, a reason that leads to the creation of the web platform of work exchange.es
dc.subjectPLATAFORMA WEBes
dc.subjectBOLSA DE TRABAJOes
dc.titlePlataforma web para bolsa de trabajo en beneficio a los profesionales de la ULEAM.es
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA EN SISTEMAS

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