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dc.contributor.authorRomero Vera, John Gregorio-
dc.identifier.citationRomero Vera, J. G. (2020). Estudio de aplicación android para establecimiento y producción de pimienta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionLa tecnología avanza cada vez más buscando amplias y nuevas estrategias de implementar sistemas automatizados para que el ser humano pueda hacer uso adecuado de ella, facilitando diferentes funciones de la vida diaria, siendo éste un motivo de éxito en cada una de las actividades que se platee hacer al utilizar una tecnología.es
dc.description.abstractThe technology advances more and more looking for wide and new strategies to implement automated systems so that the human being can make proper use of it, facilitating different functions of daily life, this being a reason for success in each of the activities that are plated do when using a technology. In the present research work, it was planned to carry out an Android application study that would allow an adequate establishment and production of pepper in a specific area or land guaranteeing an appropriate layout for pepper crops in the Procosan farm and in the agricultural area of ULEAM Extension in El Carmen. The general objective of this research project was to develop an Android application study analyzing the requirements, characteristics, elements and functions performed by the application, coding an interface through current programming tools, solving current problems that the farmer faces in the establishment and pepper production, which gives rise to factors that limit time, money and production, thus generating higher personnel costs, as it does not have an exact precision in the distribution of plants in an area for plotting the crop and planting it. To achieve the objective that was proposed, tools such as analytical-synthetic, hypothetical deductive methods were used that allowed analyzing the activities that occur in the pepper production process observing and studying the causes to find a solution to the problem and impose its validity in the final conclusions; In addition, surveys were conducted on pepper producers to collect specific data and information, interviews with agricultural technicians and engineers of the ULEAM Extension in El Carmen and the main pepper producers or production managers collecting specific data and translating them in the document and in the study of the Android application. In the analysis of the final result of this research, it was announced that the implementation of technology in the agricultural area is accepted by farmers and pepper producers since most of them use smartphones but when the prototype implementation of The application resulted in that it is not feasible because the soil has different irregularities and the sensors used do not comply with the specific and correct calculation of the measurement and plotting in the pepper production.es
dc.titleEstudio de aplicación android para establecimiento y producción de pimienta.es
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA EN SISTEMAS

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