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dc.contributor.authorQuijije Mero, Roger Edgar-
dc.identifier.citationQuijije Mero, R. E. (2019). Plan de negocio para la creación de una microempresa productora y comercializadora de mantequilla de coco en el cantón Montecristi. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl presente proyecto presenta un plan de negocio para la creación de una microempresa productora y comercializadora de mantequilla de coco en el cantón Montecristi, cuya actividad es brindar un producto saludable para todo tipo de personas.es
dc.description.abstractThis project presents a business plan for the creation of a microenterprise producer and marketer of coconut butter in the Montecristi canton, whose activity is to provide a healthy product for all types of people. The microenterprise will begin with its legal form as a Limited Company, since it has a Minimum participation of two partners, with highly trained personnel to meet customer requirements, improving every day to provide a quality product quality, the microenterprise when beginning its production activities will have as an alliance strategic to the raw material supplier, in order to coordinate delivery and strengthen the long-term communication. Likewise, it will have a strategic alliance with professionals as a nutritionist, who will be in charge of recommending our product to that segment of clients looking to maintain their healthy eating habits. Once the internal factors and external factors of the microenterprise have been evaluated and then analyzed, an offensive strategy will be applied, which consists of designing a series of actions to keep loyal customers. As, for example, an offensive strategy will be that We will carry out promotions to selective distribution channels that consist of keeping active the selected point of sale through offers and promotions in order to position the product in the customer's mind and gain long-term consumers. In the market study we were able to realize that offering a healthy product as Is coconut butter able to gain acceptance in the population of Montecristi, whose. The product will be aimed at people between 15 and 60 years of age, both for men and women of low, medium, and high social status. Through the surveys carried out among the people of the Montecristi canton, it was possible to know that 77% are willing to consume a coconut-based butter, thus being a high percentage. Once Porter's diamond was completed, it could be observed that the competitive advantage it will have the microenterprise is that it will market healthy products, it will be able to substitute the products traditional of this type of food, a unique product in the sector and an affordable price. The Strategies that we will implement to attract more clients will be communication, which They consist of making the product known through participation in fairs, tastings at the point of sale, ATL advertising and especially word of mouth advertising, it is That is, through positive experiences of a customer when acquiring and consuming the product. butter. In the financial study it was possible to obtain that the project investment is USD 29,326, in which 74% will be from the shareholders and 26% will be with a bank loan to thus complete the total value. If we referred to the net present value (NPV), it gave a result of USD 21,818, being a result greater than zero, and the internal rate of return (IRR) was one 31.7% higher than the discount rate. The recovery period of the microenterprise investment is 3 years, 4 months and 23 days, with these results we can realize that the project is viable.es
dc.titlePlan de negocio para la creación de una microempresa productora y comercializadora de mantequilla de coco en el cantón Montecristi.es
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA EN MARKETING

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