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Título : La promoción turística y su influencia en el crecimiento económico de la parroquia Noboa del cantón 24 de Mayo.
Autor : Monge Toala, Luis Oniel
Fecha de publicación : 2019
Citación : Monge Toala, L. O. (2019). La promoción turística y su influencia en el crecimiento económico de la parroquia Noboa del cantón 24 de Mayo. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.
Citación : ULEAM-MKT;0117
Resumen : The present work consists of "tourism promotion and its influence on economic growth in the Noboa parish of the canton May 24", in order to determine what factors influence the economy of the area. In the first chapter the important factors are indicated to know the information that is specified in the investigation, likewise, it is talked about the main problems that the parish entails and what could or could not be causes of study, of which the problem will be broken down General and specific problems. Likewise, the methods and tools used to carry out this project were frequently expressed. Another important point was the approach of the objectives that hrough these can be measured if the research is met or not met. In chapter two, through the theoretical framework, all the bases based on any relationship with this research were applied, the same ones that were very helpful and support in order to define the criteria that are supported by the different authors cited. In the third chapter, know the methodology that is established to legalize research, the bibliographic and causal quality, because it has allowed the knowledge of studies already existing in a more systematic way and likewise it is descriptive, since it starts from widely studied relationships. It is also which-quantitative, because qualitative data will be taken and its conversion to quantitative will be carried out through the use of the statistical software IBM SPSS 25, for this, 384 surveys were conducted in the Noboa parish with a system of direct questions, of which They got the results. In the fourth chapter, a reliability analysis was performed to measure the relationships between the individual elements of scale. The instrument was validated by the Cronbach's Alpha, obtaining a value of 0.831, which supports its applicability. Through a field investigation, data were collected about certain factors that may or may not influence economic growth, data collection was carried out through a structured survey with a comparative Likert scale, applying surveys to 384 people, which were they found inside the parish Noboa. These data were processed using the IBM SPSS 25 software, with which results of the correlations of the hypotheses were obtained using the Rho Spearman coefficient, and it was evidenced that the tourism promotion influences the economic growth of the Noboa parish of the canton May 24 , approving the alternative hypothesis. In the fifth chapter, it will be possible to observe what, with the results already obtained in the research work, a proposal was made based on the use of marketing tools, with the purpose that they can contribute to the economic growth of the parish Noboa of the canton May 24. Which will have as its main objective, to promote the use of marketing tools to achieve a greater attraction and flow of tourists, which will lead to consume the products and services offered in the area, contributing to its economic growth.
Descripción : El presente trabajo consiste en “La promoción turística y su influencia en el crecimiento económico en el Parroquia Noboa del cantón 24 de Mayo”, con el fin de determinar qué factores influyen en la economía de la zona. En el primer capítulo se indican los factores importantes para conocer la información que se especifica. en la investigación, así mismo, se habla de los principales problemas que conlleva la parroquia y cuáles podrían o no ser causas de estudio, de las cuales se desglosará el problema General y problemas específicos.
URI : https://repositorio.uleam.edu.ec/handle/123456789/5473
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