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dc.contributor.authorSimisterra Borja, Charisleicy Maoly-
dc.identifier.citationSimisterra Borja, C. M. (2019). Plan de negocio para la creación de una microempresa de zapatos de tacón doble uso en la ciudad de Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEn el presente proyecto de emprendimiento se propone una idea de negocio que consiste en la creación de la microempresa “Assiel” la misma que esta direccionada a la fabricación de Zapatos de tacón doble uso, para un público objetivo femenino de la ciudad de Manta que busca brindar la comodidad necesario, pero sin perder el toque de elegancia que esta clase de producto brinda.es
dc.description.abstractIn the present project of emprendimiento proposes an idea of a business that consists in the creation of the micro-enterprise "Assiel" the same that this direction in the manufacture of shoes of heeled double use, for a target public feminine of the city of Manta that seeks to provide the necessary comfort, but without losing the touch of elegance that this kind of product provides. In our environment women like to look good but at first they look comfortable, that is why this business proposal was born and was presented to the respective sample of people surveyed and it was accepted in its entirety. The result was that people would like to have the possibility of buying this product, the same as the suggestions of people will be marketed to the public around the Mall del Pacifico, also online, thus ensuring better security for people visiting the site. It is planned to monopolize a target market of seven percent initially the same that results in a projection of monthly consumption of 182 pairs of shoes to sell each month, this endeavor represents an investment of $ 57,834.00 which will be covered by 42% for own resources and 58% through a bank loan with an interest rate of 12% at five years. The financial study carried out a NPV 93.752 the same one that results in the project being viable and it is convenient to make the investment, likewise it presents an IRR of 42.4%, this being higher than the discount rate of 11.2%, also demonstrating that the business is feasible, the investment made will be recovered in 3 years 1 month and 27 days. With the above, it is possible to make clear the feasibility of the proposal presented and whose implementation will be highly profitable, leaving monetary gains not only for one but several people immersed in the business. his product is an innovative proposal which has led to a thorough market research prior to obtaining several results to be detailed later.es
dc.titlePlan de negocio para la creación de una microempresa de zapatos de tacón doble uso en la ciudad de Manta.es
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA EN MARKETING

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