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dc.contributor.authorZambrano Vera, Marcos Vinicio-
dc.identifier.citationZambrano Vera, M. V. (2019). Proyecto de emprendimiento para la creación de una microempresa dedicada a la producción y comercialización de un producto de chocolate a base de panela, leche y cacao en la ciudad de Manta. (Tesis de Pregrado). Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Manta, Ecuador.es
dc.descriptionEl proyecto tiene como finalidad poner en marcha un emprendimiento basado en el desarrollo de una microempresa dedicada a la producción y comercialización de un chocolate artesanal en la ciudad de Manta, brindando al consumidor un producto 100% natural con el fin de llevar un vida saludable para nuestros clientes.es
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the project is to launch an enterprise based on development of a micro-enterprise dedicated to the production and marketing of artisanal chocolate in the city ​​of Manta, providing the consumer with a 100% natural product in order to lead a healthy life. healthy for our customers. To prepare the product, raw materials such as panela, milk and cocoa were used; rich in vitamins, proteins, which gives energy to the body to lead a healthy life since it does not have no type of chemical, contains natural sweetener, and therefore can be consumed by people with diabetic, overweight, heart problems, among others. The product is aimed at the general public, men, women and children with a range of ages between 15 and 65 years old, with a medium and medium-high socioeconomic level of consumers, with consumption habits of natural products. The market study that took place in the city of Manta through surveys of 383 people determined that 76% of people would be willing to consume artisanal chocolate being This is an excellent opportunity in the market. The market that you want to serve will be those people who are willing to pay an average price for the product (48,084 people), of which which 12.50% will be our target market (6,010 people.) CHOCOLIFESTYLE's key clients would be the general public, athletes, people diabetics, overweight, hypertensive, among others, those who want to lead a lifestyle healthy; since the product is 100% handmade, intended for these types of people considering them as potential clients. The value proposition is a 100% artisanal product with natural sweetener, focused on giving a better lifestyle for customers. It should be noted that this business idea will be developed in the secondary sector since it is based on a craft activity. In order to determine the price of artisanal chocolate, certain aspects were taken into account. relevant: based on the objectives of the microenterprise, the competition, and the value of the product for the customer, determining the price of the product at a value of $1.25, which contains 7 units giving a total of 140 gr of product. There will be two types of channels for distribution (direct and indirect channel). They will be sold in the same establishment (place of production) and in different shopping centers, stores among others in order to reach our customers. The percentage or target market to reach is 12.50% of the Economically Active Population (113,465). The sum of money needed to carry out the venture is an investment of 85,025 of which the partners will contribute $27.00 (32% of the investment) and a loan will be made bank of 58,025 (68% of the investment) for five years at an interest of 12% per year. To determine the viability of the project, an analysis of the NPV (Net Present Value) was carried out. Positive) of 75,097 at a discount rate of 12.6%, obtaining a positive NPV, which demonstrates that the project is viable, the IRR (Internal Rate of Return) is 38.5%, being higher than the rate discount with which the study was compared. The recovery period of the project will be 2 years 4 months 16 days.es
dc.titleProyecto de emprendimiento para la creación de una microempresa dedicada a la producción y comercialización de un producto de chocolate a base de panela, leche y cacao en la ciudad de Manta.es
Aparece en las colecciones: INGENIERÍA EN MARKETING

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